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Message to Romanian American League

Romanian American League - Romanian organization in Fort Lauderdale FL

Romanian American League

(954) 474-6605
(954) 474-6605


Non Profit

About Romanian American League

The Romanian American League was made possible through the initiative and the enthusiasm of many outstanding members from the Romanian American community of South Florida.

This initiative was supported by the real beliefs these individuals share, that a strong and united community can be of a greater service to its members. The core group of these enthusiastic founders hails from the old Romanian Cultural Association of Florida.

The Romanian American League is here to allow the members of its community to materialize their sense and need for unity, to express and proclaim its national pride. Let us forget and leave behind the mistrust among community individuals, the reluctance of association and expressing personal and collective opinions.

As equal, the Romanian American League, it is here to let it be known and prove the deep Romanian compassion feelings embedded in the Romanian’s soul and heart. The humanitarian programs in the area of medical assistance promoted by the League are proof of the traditional Romanian compassion toward those in need.

The quest of the Romanian American League it is to let the voice and opinions of the community, to be heard and considered by the official authorities. Let us join together, be proud and trust in the present and the future, stand up for our beliefs.

The common goals and collective strength are the wind in our organization’s sails towards sustaining its humanitarian programs and existence.


Primary Office Location

pin 2021 SW 70 Avenue, Bldg. B2 Fort Lauderdale FL 33317

pin (954) 474-6605

Social Media

Facebook page for Romanian American League - Romanian organization in Fort Lauderdale
Message Romanian American League
(954) 474-6605